maandag 18 april 2011

Blogger of the week: the fucking fucks

The first thing you’ll probably think when you see this name is ‘ok… great blogname… NOT’ (at least… that’s what I thought…). But who cares when you have such AWESOME things to show?! I just adore the preppy style that Wox has! (I also like Laura’s style, don’t worry, but I’m really into preppy right now… at least for school… when I go out it’s a different story, but back to more important stuff:) I really like the fact that they are doing this blog together! If you’re a German then you might recognize Laura from the band ‘Deine Jugend’, she’s the lead singer (at least that’s what I’m getting out of the whole story… my German isn’t that good) but you should check the band on youtube ore something! And off course check out the blog! Good luck and see you next week: )

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